
Hekla Sewing Committee 2021-2022

Hannes Hreimur Arason Nyysti / He (Chairman)

Soffía Svanhvít Árnadóttir/ she (Treasurer) 

Eyrún Sigtryggsdóttir/ she (Editor)

Hrafnkell Ivan Gregoric/ he

Katrín Árnadóttir/ she

Agnes Marí/ she

Jenný María Jóhannsdóttir/ hún

Hounorary members:

Sindri Bjarkarson/ he

Áróra Gunnarsdóttir / she

Jasmín Eva/ she

Saumó holds an open area twice a week where everyone can come together in room 47 and sew, crochet, knit or whatever they want. Saumó takes care of the material costs and all the tools that people need are there. Saumó publishes a fashion magazine and holds a fashion week where a fashion show is held. 
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